Do Building Codes Really Matter?

Do Building Codes Really Matter?

Steve Mechler writes about the importance of adhering to the codes in this one-page letter.

Do building codes really matter? The obvious answer to this is yes!!! Perhaps the most important aspect of any construction is adherence to the appropriate building codes. Codes are important for several reasons, the first being the safety and welfare of the occupants, and the second being the safety and longevity of the structure.

Codes vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and many are written to protect the inhabitants and structure from severe weather events. The complete CYCLONE® product line from Roof Penetration Housings, LLC, is predicated on this premise. ICC-500-2014/2020 addresses these issues concerning the construction of safe rooms and storm shelters. The safety of life is paramount, and the structure, while important, is secondary.

There is zero tolerance from code standards for the construction of these projects, period. The CYCLONE® product line was borne from necessity to meet the standard. So why should there be any deviation from any code? Do the specifications your firm incorporates into your projects meet all of the IECC 2015/2018 for air permeance? Air permeance limits, among many other items, are addressed in the IECC-2015/2018 codebook. Specifically, air leakage is found under section c-402.5, air barrier construction, c-402.5.1.1, and air barrier compliance, c-402, all on page 38. Compliance with this code is not suggested; it is mandatory. All doors, windows, and other fenestrations are all third-party tested to meet or exceed all these requirements. So why not roof components?

Is a contractor constructed “doghouse” tested to ASTM-E-2357-11 standards? This calls for a minimum of 75pa to pass an air permeance test by a third-party certified lab. The VAULT® surpassed 300pa and is warranted for 20 years.

If meeting codes on their projects is paramount to their professional reputation, shouldn’t the architectural and engineering community be specifying products that ensure the complete building envelope be constructed of third-party tested products that will meet mandatory air permeance requirements?

Please consider taking time to review your design of roof and wall penetrations. We meet all the codes, with an insured 20-year warranty.

Thank you for considering our products.

Best Regards,


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